Assign role in IBM cloud Openshift

1 min readApr 29, 2020

People may only want some users to deploy applicaitons in specific project namespace. Here is how I do it without providing too much privileges to the users.

  1. Go to IBM cloud, Manage -> IAM ->User

Access Policy -> assign Role -> Kubenetes service “Viewer, Reader” role


2. Go to Openshift admin console.

Create new project Test

Open Command line

oc login

oc create role test-edit — verb=get — verb=list — verb=watch — resource=pods -n test

Then, you will have the role

Go to Cluster Console -> Administration -> role

edit the role test-edit yml file (can copy from another edit role.


go to Command line

oc adm policy add-role-to-user test-edit IAM#user — role-namespace=test -n test

Then the user can login and only have create delete role in namespace Test.

